
Friday 30 August 2013

Top ten ways to get better sleep

Nothing damages your ability to get things done faster than a bad night's sleep. Studies have proved that lack of sleep costs Americans significant work productivity; yawning employees can't stay alert, make good decisions, focus on work or even manage a friendly behavior at the office. There are several ways to beat insomnia, improve the quality of your sleep, and master the power nap. 

Given below are top ten sleep techniques, tips and facts to get a better sleep at night. 

Top ten ways to get better sleep

1) Reduce television/computer time before bed. Stop checking your email or watching TV just before you are going to bed and you'll sleep better. According to a recent study people who consume electronic media (read: stare at a backlit screen) just before bedtime report to have lower-quality sleep even when they get as much sleep as non-pre-bedtime screenheads. 

2) Eat good. Some foods have found to be more conducive to a better night's sleep than others. We already know about warm milk, chamomile tea and turkey, but there are others like Nuts - cashews and almonds, wheat and oat bran, spinach and black beans and artichokes that are high in magnesium. They foods reduce stress and fear bringing sleep.

If we eat potatoes, crackers, white bread, brown rice, pretzels and dates within five hours before going to bed, we can get a better sleep. Other Insomnia treating foods are bell peppers, bananas, tuna, chicken and halibut.

3) Beat Insomnia with Visualization. Nothing can be worse than lying awake throughout the night, watching the clock ticking away seconds knowing that you'll be a zombie the next day. When insomnia's kicking your sleepy butt, you can use a self-directed meditative visualization method to quiet the whir of a racing mind.

4) Awareness Development. We take many of the risk factors related with Insomnia lightly. It is partly because of our ignorance about the seriousness of these risk factors. Developing awareness about the severity of conditions related with insomnia can change our casual perception on sleep.

5) Spirituality. Inclination towards spirituality has become essential in today’s fast paced world. Spirituality teaches us to forgive and forget. Being spiritual helps us in not bottling up the hostile emotions within ourselves. A big reason of the insomnia is the negative thoughts generated by these emotions, primarily. By practicing spirituality, we can improve our sleep significantly.

6) Going Early to Bed: Going early to bed simply solves most of the problem. However, one requires strong resolve and patience initially to make it a habit.

7) Switching Off the Lights: We get sleep when a hormone known as Melatonin is released in the brain. Hormones are naturally present chemicals in our body. They help different organs of the body to work properly. These hormones are released by the brain when it detects darkness around us. If we do not switch off the lights, the mind will think that it is still not a sleep night and will not release the sleep hormone.

8) Exercise. Replace popping sleep pills with regular physical workout or exercise. It is a natural cure for Insomnia. According to studies regular exercise in the morning and a brisk walk after dinner before going to bed are found to be sufficient to get good sleep at night.

9) Personal and Social Relationships: The corporate sector has erratic work hours as its norm. The employees as a result do not get quality time to spend with their family members, leave alone spending time with friends and relatives. It not only affects the relationships equation, but also generates resentments and frustrations. By improving our social and personal relationships we will feel better and a good night sleep will come automatically.

10) Regular Health Check-ups: Positive results of improvement and sound health confirmed by the diagnosis of the doctor, boosts our confidence. It increases conviction on health regime taken up by us. We follow it more religiously thereby ensuring proper sleep to our body.

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